trails of Cyprus
the technological revolution and the dominance of the motor vehicle,
paths and cart tracks made up the main road network in cyprus and the
only link among the villages and between the villages and the towns.
Nowadays, the cart tracks have virtually disappeared, with only a few
traces remaining near old bridges, while most paths are now covered
in thick vegetation. The remainig few are used mainly for exercise,
nature study and recreation. With financial support from the Cyprus
Tourism Organisation, the Forestry Department has created forty eight
paths or trails which cover a total distance of 200kms in various parts
of the island, from Kavo Gkreko at the Southeastern end, to Akamas in
the West.
These have been carefully designed to cover areas with rich natural
vegeration and cultural interests. They have been constructed on gentle
gradients and are, as a rule, circular so that all age groups can use
them with ease. They are also well-sign posted.
Many of these trails have been networked and grouped in areas.